
成長し続けるNitto - そのビジネスモデルに世界が注目 -

Nitto独自の事業戦略と成長モデルが、世界でトップクラスのビジネススクールIMDにて ケーススタディとして取り上げられ、世界中のビジネスパーソンから注目を集めています。


設立年: 1990年
拠点: スイス・ローザンヌ および シンガポール
学長: Jean-François Manzoni


Financial Timesによる「エグゼクティブ」教育に関するランキングで毎年上位ランクインしている

Nitto Case Study

その独自の企業活動が、IMDのメンバーによって3部作のケーススタディとしてまとめられ、2017年9月にThe Case Centerに登録されました。

(The Case Center: https://www.thecasecentre.org

Nitto Case Study

執筆者 : Tomoko Yokoi    監修者 : Professor Howard H. Yu

第1部.「 Innovation For Customers」


第2部.「 Decoding SAN-SHINʻs DNA –Resources and processes」





This is part of a case series. Recognised as a Top 100 Global Innovator since 2010, Nitto Denko Corporation demonstrates how a relentless focus on customer innovation can sustain a company's growth, and transform its business model. This three-part case series examines how this Japan-based manufacturing group successfully rode the wave of emerging industries, found applications in new areas, while remaining true to its core technologies and capabilities.
Case A recounts Nitto's humble beginnings as a domestic electrical insulation manufacturer and how it turned into a global company poised to make inroads into the medical industry. Underlying its evolution is the company's particular philosophy of technology innovation and application (also known as Sanshin).
Case B examines how Nitto sustains its innovation trajectory by investing in areas that enable rapid experimentation at large scale in the B2B setting.
Case C discusses Nitto's future roadmap. As Nitto aims to accelerate its global footprint and move into new markets, the company faces a 'tipping point.' Nitto must find new ways to scale, diffuse and innovate at an accelerated pace. We examine the efforts of the regional European hub as an example of globalization, and how senior management charts its way into the medical and life sciences industry.

Learning objectives

  1. This case invites students to reflect on the following topics surrounding innovation and corporate evolution; Understand the different processes behind disruptive innovation and sustaining innovation.
  2. Examine how to maximize the longevity of technological innovations.
  3. Address importance of core competencies and capabilities for leveraging existing technologies across new areas.
  4. Examine how product innovation and commercial innovation should go hand in hand.
  5. Reflect on how to embed corporate philosophies and values across a global organization.

監修者Howard H.Yu 教授からのメッセージ

このケーススタディは、共創や顧客中心主義、用途展開の重要性を考えるうえで極めて有用です。これら全てのテーマは企業が成長を成し遂げる際に重要な経営の視点です。そして多くの会社の経営幹部からも、このNittoが例示する経営手法は幅広く適用できる素晴らしいビジネスモデルとの評価を頂いています。Howard H.Yu 教授

