Produits Nitto
Nous avons déployé des efforts continus aux fins de combiner et de faire progresser ses technologies fondatrices et de développer des technologies de base, qui sont appliquées à un large éventail d’activités, telles que l’électronique, l’automobile, le logement, l’infrastructure, l’environnement et la médecine.
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PlanetFlags/HumanFlags -Products Contributing to the Environment and/or Human Life
The Nitto Group has come up with a new recognition scheme for products that are friendly to the environment and human life. We showcase the positive contributions that our products and services make for planet Earth and human life and recognize those with a particularly high level of contributions by attaching “PlanetFlags” or “HumanFlags,” in an effort to embody our approach to the material issues for sustainability.
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NOT MAGIC, IT'S Nitto!Innovation that shapes the future.
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Nitto Group Integrated Report
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