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Nitto Applied for International Initiative SBT Certification and Joined RE100 to Strengthen Climate Change Efforts
- Acceleration of activities has brought the CO2 emissions target ahead of the schedule -

Nitto Denko Corporation (headquartered: Osaka, Japan, President: Hideo Takasaki, hereafter Nitto) joined international initiative RE100 (Renewable Energy 100%*1) which aims to use renewable resources for all electricity in business activities and applied for Science Based Targets (SBT*2) certification for management and reduction of CO2 emissions throughout its supply chain with a view to a Scope 3 target, to realize a decarbonized society.

The Nitto Group places ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) at the core of its management, aiming to solve social issues and create economic value at the same time. Climate change, particularly global warming, is a challenge common to all humankind and must be resolved to pass on the prosperous planet to the next generation. To accelerate decarbonization activities, the Nitto Group joined RE100 to promote the social implementation of renewable energy and applied for SBT certification to achieve zero environmental impact not only on its own but also throughout its supply chain.

The Nitto Group declared “Nitto Group Carbon Neutral 2050*3” in May 2022 and set CO2 emission reduction as the future-financial target in its Mid-term Management Plan announced in 2023. The Nitto Group has been implementing various measures, including the development of negative emission technologies to capture and remove unavoidable CO2 emissions in the manufacturing process, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050. As a result, the Nitto Group is on track to achieve the goal of 470 kilotons ahead of schedule. To achieve the reduction target, the Nitto Group strengthen the efforts to prevent climate change, and set a new reduction target of “400 kilotons of emissions” by 2030.

Together with the membership in international initiatives, the Nitto Group will accelerate its efforts to realize a decarbonized society.

“Setting a New Goal to Achieve Carbon Neutrality ‘Nitto Group Carbon Neutral 2050’
Nitto Announces Support to Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations” (released on May 19, 2022)

  • *1 An international initiative that aims to obtain 100% of energy consumed in business activities from renewable resource
  • *2 Greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by companies in line with the science-based target adopted by the Paris Agreement (the target to limit temperature increase to less than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels)
  • *3 SCOPE 1+2

Correction (July 5, 2024)
The following corrections have been made to the news release published on May 23, 2024 due to a partial error. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Before After
- Acceleration of activities has brought the CO2 emissions target five years ahead of the schedule - - Acceleration of activities has brought the CO2 emissions target ahead of the schedule -
To achieve the reduction target of “470 kilotons of emissions” by 2025, five years earlier than the initial schedule, To achieve the reduction target,

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