Nitto Group Report 2017
17Nitto Group Report 2017DiversityThe approximately 30,000 employees of the Nitto Group all diligently live up to the Nitto Way as good “Nitto Persons,” and forge ahead day after day while putting their abilities to the best possible use, irrespective of nationality, cultural background, gender, age, or employment type. In scal 2016, we established a special task force for the promotion of diversity and inclusion within the Group with a focus on “achieving work-life balance” and “supporting diverse human resources in playing active roles.”To further promote diversity, Nitto (non-consolidated) is working on a method that allows female employees to achieve smooth career development by organizing workshops for them and other activities in an effort to raise the percentage of women in management to 4% by scal 2018. Meanwhile, to encourage good work-life balance, we are promoting “work style reform” by making it easier for employees with young children and/or family members requiring nursing care to pursue their careers and introducing a work-at-home scheme.OthersAt the Nitto Group, we adopt the motto of “open, fair, and best” in every personnel-related matter, including recruitment, assignment, evaluation, and training. In addition to strictly following the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, we make it a principle to treat people in a fair and equitable manner and manage their working hours properly in accordance with the labor laws of each country and region.Nitto and several of its Group companies conduct employee surveys to increase employee satisfaction. In order for employees to maintain good health and work in good spirits, we are strengthening measures designed to promote their health such as allocating full time health staff members to main sites in Japan.Employment and Cultivation of Human ResourcesESG Issue 4The Nitto Group considers human resources to be our most valuable assets. Guided by this overriding principle, we are developing measures aimed at cultivating our human resources, including the creation of a work environment in which our employees can nd pleasure in honing their skills and an organization in which they are encouraged to take on more challenging tasks to advance their careers, as the company sustains its growth in the global market.East AsiaEmployeesNon-Japanese executive ofcers Total 35Men 44%Women 56%ManagersMen 73%Women 27%Minimum wagesShanghai 1Nitto Group 1.4AmericasEmployeesNon-Japanese executive ofcers Total 11Men 55%Women 45%ManagersMen 70%Women 30%Minimum wagesNew Jersey 1Nitto Group 1.6Europe*EmployeesNon-Japanese executive ofcers Total 32Men 76%Women 24%ManagersMen 92%Women 8%JapanEmployeesNon-Japanese executive ofcers Total 2Men 81%Women 19%ManagersMen 97%Women 3%Entire GroupEmployeesNon-Japanese executive ofcers Total 90Men 57%Women 43%ManagersMen 87%Women 13%South AsiaEmployeesNon-Japanese executive ofcers Total 10Men 33%Women 67%ManagersMen 66%Women 34%Minimum wagesChonburi, Thailand 1Nitto Group 1Minimum wagesToyohashi 1Nitto Group 1.2• Employees: Gender ratio as of March 31, 2017 • Managers: Gender ratio as of April 1, 2017 • Non-Japanese executive ofcers: Number of non-Japanese executive ofcers (including concurrent post) as of April 1, 2017 • Minimum wages: Comparison of legal minimum wages in major cities where Group companies are located * In Europe, there is no comparable data, as benchmarks and attitudes differ to those in Japan. That notwithstanding, we provide equal-opportunity employment with fair remuneration in accordance with an employee’s business experience, personal attributes and the location.• Employment Data of the Nitto Group