Nitto Group Report 2016
32Nitto Group Report 2016Approaches to Environmental ConservationBy including “climate change”, “depletion of resources”, “water crisis” and “biodiversity decrease” in our materiality, the Nitto Group has set goals of CO2 and toluene emissions in our mid-term plan. Furthermore, we will continue to engage in reduction of air emissions of PRTR*1 substances, as well as proper management of waste. Adoption of Energy Visualization SystemWe promote energy-saving activities in energy-intensive processes and equipment.In scal 2012, we began to grasp the amount of energy consumed per machine (energy-saving analysis), and in scal 2013, we drew up a standard for energy-saving analysis. So far, we have implemented energy-saving analysis at major energy-intensive bases.In scal 2015, in order to make energy-saving analysis more efcient, we began introducing an Energy Visualization System to bases in Japan, mainly where energy-saving analysis had already been conducted. With the system, it has become possible to monitor the amount of energy consumed at any time and easier to ascertain which equipment requires measures to reduce energy consumption and to determine the efcacy of such measures. In addition, it is also possible to appropriately manage and analyze data, taking energy-saving measures based on such data at two bases in Japan. According to these approaches, we not only share information at Energy-Saving Training and Exchange Meetings, but also address the promotion of further activities by cultivating human resources.Installation of Solvent Recovery EquipmentUntil now, incineration was the most common means of treating organic solvent gases. However, from the viewpoint of using fossil fuels and dealing with climate change, we introduced solvent recovery equipment to our Kanto Plant in December 2015. The equipment has a system in which organic solvents contained in exhaust gas are absorbed and recovered by using activated carbon, resulting in the reuse of a signicant amount of organic solvent produced in the production process.These energy-saving activities are considered to be effective approaches in preventing the depletion of resources.Use of MFCA In order to reduce waste in the production process, we promote the use of Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)*2. MFCA is known as a tool in environmental management accounting, visualizing the loss of raw materials and energy, reducing the waste of resources. The Nitto Group calls this method MATEFURO, and uses it in environmental conservation activities.In scal 2014, we organized a MATEFURO Committee centered on Japan, further promoting adoption of the system. Until now, we have analyzed and reduced loss at key production bases of each division using MATEFURO. In scal 2015, we sought to strengthen these activities in East Asia (Korea and Taiwan). With the aim of making MATEFURO, an activity across the whole Group, we regularly hold MATEFURO (MFCA) Assembly, in which many participants from not only Japan, but also abroad, participate.Solvent recovery equipment installed at the Kanto PlantThe Third MATEFURO Assembly, March 2016*1PRTR: Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (System in Japan)*2MFCA (Material Flow Cost Accounting): One method of environmental accounting. By focusing on the loss of raw materials and energy in the production process, we can visualize waste from both the physical and monetary sides. MFCA was ISO standardized in 2011 (ISO14051).