Nitto Denko Group CSR & Annual Report 2011

CSR & Annual Report 201131Contributing to the EnvironmentActivities Geared Toward the International Standardization of Material Flow Cost AccountingMaterial Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) is a measure of cost accounting and analysis, in which we define material costs, process costs and depreciation costs invested to the loss of resources and energy throughout the production process as “negative product”, thus providing a total cost evaluation. In 2000 the Nitto Denko Toyohashi Plant introduced MFCA for the first time on a trial basis. Following that, under the initiative of the Japanese government, MFCA is in the process of being established as an international standard and will be put into effect (ISO 14051) by ISO in 2011. Aiming at introducing the manufacturing of environmentally-conscious products throughout the world, the Nitto Denko Group is cooperating in the promotion of international standardization and diffusion of MFCA.Driving Partner of “Declaration of Biodiversity by Nippon Keidanren”In order to promote activities giving further protection to biodiversity, Nippon Keidanren (Japan Economic Federation) issued “Declaration of Biodiversity by Nippon Keidanren” as a basic policy in its approaches to such activities. As biodiversity is a significant base for a sustainable society, Nitto Denko has been a driving partner of Keidanren and has supported its activities since 1997.Environment Photo Campaign 2010In fiscal 2009, the Nitto Denko Group launched “Green Design Action” with the aim of improving employees’ environmental awareness. As a campaign following “UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme) World Environment Photographic Exhibition: Focus on Your World” of the previous year, we held a contest of environment-themed photos, “Environment Photo Campaign 2010” by employees of the Nitto Denko Group. A number of photos were entered in the contest from home and abroad; photos of beautiful natural environments and photos stimulating thought about nature and environmental issues. In order to further boost employees’ awareness of environmental problems, we will continue to promote such activities in the future.Inspectors from Malaysian enterprises visit the Toyohashi Plant Courtship dance of the Japanese red-crowned crane“Who make flood”


